„მოსამსახურეთათვის სამსახურებრივი მივლინების ხარჯების ანაზღაურების შესახებ”

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„მოსამსახურეთათვის სამსახურებრივი მივლინების ხარჯების ანაზღაურების შესახებ”
Document number 231
Document issuer President of Georgia.
Date of issuing 20/04/2005
Document type Edict of the President of Georgia
Source and date of publishing LHG, 48, 21/04/2005
Registration code 010.340.
Consolidated publications
  • Word
LHG, 48, 21/04/2005
„მოსამსახურეთათვის სამსახურებრივი მივლინების ხარჯების ანაზღაურების შესახებ”
President of Georgia.
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49. 05/04/2013 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 227 - Website, 05/04/2013 48. 11/01/2013 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 15 - Website, 11/01/2013 47. 15/08/2012 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 717 - Website, 15/08/2012 46. 05/06/2012 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 462 - Website, 05/06/2012 45. 04/06/2012 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 461 - Website, 04/06/2012 44. 22/03/2012 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 233 - Website, 22/03/2012 43. 16/03/2012 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 213 - Website, 16/03/2012 42. 02/02/2012 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 81 - Website, 02/02/2012 41. 03/01/2012 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 2 - Website, 03/01/2012 40. 15/11/2011 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 728 - Website, 111115012, 15/11/2011 39. 06/10/2011 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 595 - Website, 111010025, 10/10/2011 38. 03/10/2011 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 577 - Website, 111003023, 03/10/2011 37. 20/09/2011 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 534 - Website, 110920004, 20/09/2011 36. 13/09/2011 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 513 - Website, 110914006, 14/09/2011 35. 12/09/2011 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 510 - Website, 110912011, 12/09/2011 34. 13/06/2011 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 316 - Website, 110614014, 14/06/2011 33. 15/04/2011 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 206 - Website, 110415024, 15/04/2011 32. 17/02/2011 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 86 - Website, 180211, 18/02/2011 31. 29/12/2010 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 1081 - LHG, 171, 30/12/2010 30. 29/12/2010 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 1079 - LHG, 171, 30/12/2010 29. 20/12/2010 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 1029 - LHG, 166, 20/12/2010 28. 17/12/2010 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 1024 - LHG, 166, 20/12/2010 27. 24/11/2010 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 958 - LHG, 153, 24/11/2010 26. 11/10/2010 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 819 - LHG, 131, 12/10/2010 25. 19/07/2010 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 519 - LHG, 87, 19/07/2010 24. 07/07/2010 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 473 - LHG, 82, 08/07/2010 23. 10/06/2010 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 403 - LHG, 66, 10/06/2010 22. 18/05/2010 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 320 - LHG, 56, 20/05/2010 21. 17/05/2010 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 315 - LHG, 56, 20/05/2010 20. 27/12/2009 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 961 - LHG, 158, 29/12/2009 19. 13/02/2009 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 57 - LHG, 17, 16/02/2009 18. 17/11/2008 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 549 - LHG, 166, 21/11/2008 17. 02/10/2008 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 474 - LHG, 146, 03/10/2008 16. 30/09/2008 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 465 - LHG, 144, 01/10/2008 15. 14/03/2008 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 144 - LHG, 41, 19/03/2008 14. 04/03/2008 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 111 - LHG, 36, 07/03/2008 13. 21/02/2008 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 96 - LHG, 29, 25/02/2008 12. 28/01/2008 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 35 - LHG, 15, 30/01/2008 11. 20/06/2007 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 373 - LHG, 87, 22/06/2007 10. 08/06/2007 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 353 - LHG, 82, 14/06/2007 9. 24/05/2007 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 324 - LHG, 75, 29/05/2007 8. 14/05/2007 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 300 - LHG, 67, 15/05/2007 7. 27/03/2007 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 204 - LHG, 43, 29/03/2007 6. 10/01/2007 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 26 - LHG, 4, 10/01/2007 5. 13/12/2006 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 742 - LHG, 168, 14/12/2006 4. 06/11/2006 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 653 - LHG, 150, 08/11/2006 3. 17/03/2006 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 210 - LHG, 35, 17/03/2006 2. 01/02/2006 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 93 - LHG, 14, 03/02/2006 1. 04/06/2005 - Edict of the President of Georgia - 456 - LHG, 69, 10/06/2005